CMSPI | IAC SOIR Ebook Section 4

Cash: A Payment Method of the Past?

In India, where cash dominated just a few years ago, constituting 71% of POS value in 2019, it represented only 27% in 2022. 1

Cash remains the top preferred payment method in Mexico, where 39% of in store transaction value in 2022 was paid in cash. 3

Indonesia has witnessed a remarkable shift in payment dynamics, with cash accounting for 77% of POS value in 2019 but decreasing to 45% in 2022. 2

The diversity of cash penetration was still evident among EU countries in 2022, with Germany and Spain having 39% and 44% of POS spending in cash, respectively, while France saw only 10%. 4

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1-4. Worldpay Global Payments Report 2023

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