State of the Industry Report September 2024



CMSPI – IAC State of the Industry Report

CMSPI – IAC State of the Industry Report

Dutch cards are Mastercard (formerly Maestro) branded debit cards. American Express has a lower market share in Europe compared to countries such as the U.S., mainly because Europe is mostly a debit card dominant market and American Express debit issuing products are more nascent (see Section 4.2). In the Middle East, the Turkish card market is 86% Visa or Mastercard, but Saudi local card network Mada has a large 92% market share. Section 2.3.3 – Card Networks in APAC

Figure 2.5 – Card Network market shares in EMEA 75

Europe has several domestic debit card networks, including Cartes Bancaires (CB) in France, Girocard in Germany and Pago Bancomat in Italy. CB in France is both a credit and debit card network. Most of these networks are co-badged with one of the global card networks to facilitate international cross-border purchasing, but they are typically lower cost and have significant market shares (see Section 5.3.2 for more information). CB’s market share of 84% is predictably larger given its credit capabilities. Girocard’s 64% market share reflects the dominance of debit cards in Germany, while Pago Bancomat’s market share of 28% is comparatively small in Italy. 76 There are also many countries in the EMEA region, such as the UK, Spain and the Netherlands, that do not have domestic debit card networks and, therefore, in these markets global networks Visa and Mastercard have large market shares. In both the UK and Spain, Visa and Mastercard have a combined 95% market share, while in the Netherlands Mastercard alone has a 92% share, as most

75 Market shares are based on card transaction value. Some of the names have been shortened for legibility Euromoni- tor 2022 except for Saudi Arabia network shares from Worldpay 2023 Report 76 This could be attributed to Pago Bancomat’s slow uptake on online and contactless transactions, in addition to consumer routing choice: 20220106-Competitive-landscape-report.pdf (

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